PolArt is a collaboration between ARCTOS (Arctic Marine
Ecosystem Research Network), Troms fylkeskommune and Tromsø Kunstforening. The collaboration was initiated by ARCTOS in 2007 as part of their outreach program. PolArt facilitates an artist in residence program where a group of establishing
artists each year are invited to join the scientific community during their
expeditions. On this website, you can follow the artists and the program as the
projects evolve over time.
Tromsø Kunstforening
Muségata 2
9008 Tromsø
ARCTOS - Arctic Marine Ecosystem Research Network
Norsk Polarinstitutt
Postboks 6606 Langnes
9296 Tromsø
Troms fylkeskommune
Troms fylkeskultursenter
Strandvegen 13
9007 Tromsø
Tromsø Kunstforening
PB 362
9254 Tromsø